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PROLabs Affiliate Program
Join the PROLabs Affiliate Program
Our benefits
Price : ${{starterData.price}}
Are you sure you want to purchase Universal Starter Kit ?
Congrets, You are eligible for your career. Please collect your Reward from here
{{clameBadge.reward}} PPRO
Change account from Setting option which gives you on your bottom of the Trust Wallet screen
Here you can see wallets option, Tap on it
Now here you can select your another wallet
Select and go to DApps and use selected wallet for this web
First, disconnect the wallet from the PROLabs, using the instructions above. Then open the Metamask extension and click the 3 dots in the upper right corner of the window.
From here, click "Connected Sites".
Then, click the trash can icon next to "PROLabs".
Now, you have to connect your registered address {{account.substr(0,5)+'...'+account.substr(-5)}} by clicking below button.
- {{language['Overview'][mlanguage]}}
- {{language['Step 1'][mlanguage]}}
{{language['Setting my profile'][mlanguage]}}
- {{language['Step 2'][mlanguage]}}
{{language['Buy Trade-share'][mlanguage]}}
- {{language['Step 3'][mlanguage]}}
{{language['How to Stake'][mlanguage]}}
- {{language['Step 4'][mlanguage]}}
{{language['Coming Soon'][mlanguage]}}
{{language['Coming Soon'][mlanguage]}}
{{language['Coming Soon'][mlanguage]}}
{{language['Coming Soon'][mlanguage]}}
{{language['NOTICE : Staking is not a part of the login, and is 100% Decentralized. Its showing only data directly from your private wallet to the blockchain.'][mlanguage]}}
{{language['Coming Soon'][mlanguage]}}
Withdrawal is Temporary OFF.
First you have to verify your BNB address. Click Here
You won't be able to withdraw for the next {{WithdrawTimer}} due to updated BNB address.
Add Token address to your private wallet click here
Please check your E-Mail for get OTP to approve Withdrawal request.
Resend OTP after {{Withdraw_Timer}}
1.1% will be cut as a swap fee
we can see you dont have a sponsor yet.
please click the button, and system will randomly delicate a sponsor.